


ARTISAN&ARTIST*のメイクアップブラシは、世界が認める広島 熊野で、熟練された職人の手によって1本1本丁寧に作られています。

ARTISAN&ARTIST’s make-up brushes are high-quality make-up brushes made in Kumano Hiroshima Japan, which have gained world recognition. It is said that the manufacture of Kumanofude first began at the end of Edo period, and the manufacturing techniques have been passed down to the present for over 170 years.
High-quality brushes—completed without cutting the tip of the brush—can change their shape over continued use to match the contour of the user’s face.
Moreover, the shape of the original handle has a great grip despite being short, and can be stored in the case smoothly. The lineup offers a wide variety of brushes from easy-to-use, basic brushes to brushes that accommodate to the new textures of recent cosmetic products.

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